Trump’s Ear Injury
Hints At The Relationship
Between The US And Israel.

By Jane Lim | November 25, 2024

Trump’s Ear Injury Guarantees FRB Shareholders' Profits Which Are Your National Debts.

Trump’s injury of his right ear (July 13, 2024) has something to do with the Bible.  When a slave was confined to one house, his ear was cut off and nailed to the door (Deuteronomy 15:17). His master shall pierce his ear with an awl and he shall serve his master permanently (Exodus 21:6).  

The rich rule over the poor and the borrower is the slave of the lender (Proverbs 22:7).  Biblically speaking, Proverbs 22:7 prescribes that the US citizens (debtors) are slaves to the FRB shareholders (lenders).  However, debtors are customers to lenders whose incomes are only possible through debts, and money is not a product to sell. 

Jacob Rothschild's family (Knights Templar) is the founder of Israel (1948) and the lender in Proverbs 22:7 since his family has been the biggest FRB shareholder.   Did “bond” in “Treasury bond” come from "permanently" in Exodus 21:6?   Rothschild banking family is the inventor of Treasury bond, and FRB shareholders buy Treasury bonds.  You can connect Trump’s injury with the US debt which may be “permanently” increased for the benefits of the founder of Israel.  As a token of Trump’s loyalty to the FRB shareholders, Trump likely injured himself to convince them.   The hidden deals between them may be the guaranteed increase of the US debt and the guaranteed reelection of Trump.  

Similarly, Trump said to the Roman Catholic Church on October 1, 2020, “It was my great honors to help Catholic Church and its schools.  They needed hundreds of millions of dollars nationwide.  I got it for them.  I hope you remember that on November 3rd.” (75th Annual Alfred E. Smith Memorial Founation Dinner Virtual Event, 2020).

On July 26, 2024, Netanyahu visited Trump who was not the US president at that time. Did Netanyahu deliver a hidden deal to Trump during his visit?  ICC issued a warrant to arrest Netanyahu, which was agreed by Canada, Australia and the UK.  This decision may reshape the world politics as the US vs. the UK in WW3 if both countries do not agree on the subject-matter of ICC's arrest warrant.   King Charles would resist being controlled by Rothschild banking family in the UK, the founder of Israel.  If you look into The World Ahead 2025 of Rothschild’s The Economist, you can see that Trump, a new king, was positioned in the center, which is a threat to King Charles of the UK.

The Knights Templar indebted kings and queens in order to take over their powers, which was the reason why they were executed and exiled from many countries.  Did the Knights Templar not hire Trump to indebt the US in order to take over the powers of the US voters and government like they did to the UK, Japan, Germany, USSR, Roman Empires, Egypt and much more?  By positioning spies in the political positions, politics is poisoned without changing a law.  This strategy is not new.  Who was the Prince of Egypt?  Nearly all countries have been poisoned as of today.  Without changing a law, Trump was able to remove your right to vote.  Trump had said, “I don’t need your vote anymore” before the White House Senior Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates explained, on September 11, 2024, Biden’s gesture of hijacking as bipartisan unity.  

Rothschild banking family in the UK partnered with USSR (Russia) to save Jews in Germany during WW2.    Israel partnered with the US to save Netanyahu from the UK-leading ICC arrest warrant before WW3.   Germany and the UK were and are facing exactly what King Philip IV of France faced.  It is obvious that the US will face the same problem in the near future.  This problem will end when Proverbs 22:7 is permanently deleted from the Bible and when the Knights Templar are permanently exiled.

Proverbs 22:7 depreciates humanism and promotes materialism. The concept of customers (debtors) in Proverbs 22:7 is erroneous.  Customers are not called slaves in the 21st century.  Who invented Treasury bond and why?  Who has been practicing Proverbs 22:7 for 3,000 years?  Did Jesus approve or disapprove Proverbs 22:7?  Who edited the Bible?  In my book, you have learned how Treasury bonds and stocks are used to take over nations and foreign companies across the world.  You have also learned how Revolutionary Producer-Customer Relationship (RPCR) treats customers as partners not as slaves and how RPCR can replace loans.

Why Did Trump Pick Susie Wiles Whose Former Career Is Likely Against RFK Jr.’s?

Magicians would not mind deceiving their audiences because deception is their performance that earns applauds.  Before Trump finally picked RFK Jr. for Health Secretary on November 15, 2024, Trump had picked Susie Wiles as White House Chief of Staff.   Wiles would unlikely want to work with RFK Jr. because RFK Jr. is an attorney who petitions plaintiffs’ complaints for personal injury while Wiles was a tobacco lobbyist whose industry is likely subject to RFK Jr.’s lawsuits.  

Susie Wiles helped, the 40th president of the US, Ronald Reagan reelected in 1984 benefiting from the assassination attempt in 1981.  Did Wiles reuse the same old strategy in order to help Trump reelected as the 47th president of the US in 2024?  She had been Trump’s campaign director before she became Trump’s senior advisor and further White House Chief of Staff.