Christians Are Attracted To
Trump To Die.

By Jane Lim | December 15, 2024

Christians Are Attracted To Trump To Die Like Moths Are Attracted To UV Lamps To Die.

Image Of Air Force Being Directed By Trump To Die In WW3

Flying insects such as moths gather around fluorescent lamps without knowing that they will die soon.  When insects could not recognize predators, they are eaten by the predators.  Likewise, when Protestants could not recognize their enemies, they also lose their lives.  Protestants, Catholics and Judaists cannot be grouped as Christians because they are enemies to each other, which is discussed in my book.

Without a question, Christians automatically signed up for all crusades.  Likewise, without a question, Trump voters and sponsors voted again for Trump in 2024 signing up for WW3.  See the list of Trump sponsors who have invested in WW3.

Trump grouped Protestants with Catholics and Judaists as Christians, only to make them vote for himself and fight against Muslims in WW3 which Israel and Iran will spark according to Albert Pike’s plan.  Why do you think Muslims joined BRICS and Marxists?  This fight is not about religious conflict but about the Jewish Ponzi scheme which BRICS rejected, and about the expansion of Israel.   Unless all of Protestants, Catholics and Judaists agree to Ponzi scheme and WW3, they cannot be grouped as one.

Did Protestants agree with the convicted criminal who was supposed to be jailed before the election day? 
Did Protestants agree with the billionaire who would implant microchips to their heads and would remotely control their electric vehicles? 
Did Protestants agree with the billionaire who would help another billionaires escape to Mars (rapture, X means Christ in SpaceX) during the nuclear war? 
Did Protestants vote for the Bitcoin speculators who would fortify hunger game societies through Bitcoin-induced hyper inflations? 
If they did, they learned nothing from their God or from the crusades.

Uneducated Protestants supported and joined Catholics or Judaists who have always aimed to destroy Protestantism through the crusades or the revolutions during which Marxism was invented by a Jewish Freemason, Karl Marx.   Marxists executed priests and pastors since churches were getting rich while Christians were getting poor.  Marxists opened their eyes to realize that Proverbs 22:7 is not what Jesus taught.

Capitalists have been banned from learning how to apply Marxism correctly to their social welfare systems only because Ponzi scheme managers, the lord of money did not want capitalists to open their eyes about the Ponzi scheme fraud, and wanted to keep them as slaves under Proverbs 22:7.

Why do you think Marxist countries provide free education, free medical and paid leave for their residents including foreign nationals while capitalistic countries such as the UK and the US do not provide those services for their own citizens?  Marxism should be adopted to enhance social welfare not to execute opponents.

In WW2, Jews in Germany received help from Russia to defeat German Nazism.  In WW3, Palestinians in Israel need help from Iran and Russia to defeat Jewish Nazism.   In WW3, Americans may need help from Russia to be free from the founder of Israel (1948) and its Ponzi scheme jail.   How should the US solve the problem that King Philip IV of France faced?  Find the discussion in Directors Of COVID-19 Pandemic & WW3.

A New Case Law Keeps The US Very Dark.

Did Musk donate daily $1 million to each black hat hacker behind the scene?  The judge, who ruled Musk’s case on November 4th 2024, was likely aware of bipartisan unity believing that there will be no more election after Trump.  Otherwise, he should be responsible for the consequences of the judgment.  No matter how desirable or favorable your policies are, the richer candidates will always win all elections according to the judgment.

Can you kill 44,000 people in Gaza if $10 million is donated to you?  Did Trump not agree in 2019 to this deal through his son-in-law?  Trump voters agreed to WW3 at the time when they voted for Trump since they had been informed, prior to the election day, of Trump’s significantly high military budget plan hinting at WW3 and they had plenty of time to investigate what Trump’s Dark MAGA (Dark Knights) could mean.  Who assassinated Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy?

Whether black hat hackers (Dark Knights) compromised the electoral system or not, Trump voters are still responsible for WW3 and the inflation as discussed previously because Trump has dropped plenty of hints at WW3 since 2016.   Trump said, “If we have them [nuclear weapons], why can’t we use them?” according to ITV News, UK (October 21, 2018).  You can connect the dots between Musk's SpaceX and Trump’s nuclear war.  X means Christ thus it means Space of Christ (Heaven).  Rapture means billionaire’s escape to Mars by SpaceX.  Find more discussion of rapture in my book.

Electoral Fraud Keeps The World Very Dark.

Even if the electoral fraud made the US bipartisan unity possible, Trump voters exist and they are still responsible for the upcoming dictatorship from Trump and his endless regime.  Trump voters would likely continue to make the same mistake in the future.  See Trump’s 10-year budget plan one more time to realize when Trump will begin WW3 and why Trump called COVID-19, Wuhan virus, which was a trick to begin WW3.  You cannot be fooled twice by the same entity for the same subject-matter.  Trump, as a Magician Of The Temple, needs WW3 to begin his dictatorship which will be operated and directed by Rothschild banking family as the master of Trump.