Electrons And
Sleep Paralysis

By Jane Lim | Updated on November 30, 2022 | Posted on July 13, 2019

Why Is Your Body Paralyzed When The ETS Is Disrupted?

Why Is Your Body Paralyzed When The ETS Is Disrupted?

Photo By Alexandra Gorn

Bones have many nerves in them, which means bones can feel a lot of pain.   When two bones touch each other, two bones can grind on each other causing pain unless there is something between them.  Joint fluid exists between bones.

The joint fluid is called synovial fluid which is found in the cavities of synovial joints.  It reduces friction between the articular cartilage and other tissues in joints by lubricating and cushioning them during movement.   When your body starts to move, the synovial fluid in the cartilage is squeezed out in order to reduce friction between bones.

In each time when your bones are used to do your daily activities such as walking, electrons are required to make the joint fluid squeezed out so that you don’t feel pain.  However, patients with arthritis suffer from the arthritic pain because the process to trigger joint fluid to expand in their bodies is interfered by parasitic fungi that disrupt their metabolism.  In other words, the Electron Transport Chain (ETC) is disrupted.  When you are infected by pathogens, electrons that deliver a message (information) to cause the fluid to expand are not transferred.  Therefore, cellular information is not shared properly between cells.

Crystals (NaCl, Sodium Chloride) in your cartilage has been blamed for arthritis.  These crystals may be the consequence of enhanced defense system to protect your body from pathogenic infection.  Crystals are formed when you need to have more electrons to defeat pathogens that disrupt human metabolism by turning everything to acids.   Tears (Sodium) are intelligently produced by cellular intelligence to remove harmful microorganisms out of your eyes.  Likewise, crystals can be intelligently formed to activate the ETC.

Crystals are used to ignite combustible gas in the gas stove.  They are used because they can excite electrons.  When bodies are infected, the piezoelectric effect of crystals is cancelled or impaired because pathogens constantly produce acids by removing electrons from atoms that should keep your joint fluid and bones healthy and functioning.   This cancelling process is called fermentation or atom decay.  

This defense system is activated if patients were infected during the injection.   Crystals can move into the space between the bones in a joint.   This space is called joint cavity.   The joint cavity is nothing but a consequence of the failure to transport electrons in the body.   The joint cavity can disappear when your body absorbs sunlight (photons), which repairs the disrupted ETC instantaneously. 

People, who have experienced sleep paralysis, are aware of their inability to move their muscles since their muscles do not immediately respond to their attempt (conscious mind) to wake up.  Sleep paralysis is common to people whose neurological system has been impaired by chronic or acute infections because their bodies undergo atom decay (electrons lost) severely at night.  This type of chronic infection (chronic fatigue is a symptom of infection) is often ignored by you or by your doctor.

What can you do to increase electrons (in other words, have higher frequencies) if you live in a cloudy or rainy region?   How will you prevent sleep paralysis at night if you are infected by parasitic fungi?   What else can parasitic fungi do to your body at night?

The Silent War Within: Biochemistry & Legal Research on Parasitic Fungi by Jane Lim.