Jane Lim's News

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Updated And Archived News (2015-2024)

Jane Lim's articles are not blogs that become outdated after years.  You can save and share the articles or this page periodically because this page is updated every time when a new article is published.

These Articles Help Jane's Book Fans Speed Up Reading Her Books 

Jane Lim's articles are intended to help her book fans speed up reading her books.  Three of her book fans have become authors as of 2022.  One patient with cancer entered a medical school after he had been inspired by her first book.

Announcement Of Events

Find publication schedules of Jane Lim's new books, quiz events and book promotions.  Participate in her quiz events that are intended to answer your questions.

Find News In The Navigation Bar And Select The Article You Want

Under News, you can find archived or current news such as the quiz event.  See the screenshot below.   You can revisit this page as often as you can since it has become easier to find the articles you may have missed in the past.

Screenshot of Author Jane Lim's New Homepage migrated from TheMostCommonTheMostDeadly.com
A Card Image of Jane Lim's Christmas Greetings

Christmas Greetings

YouTube Videos

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