Trump Increased Military Budget
From Which A Dark Knight’s
Budget Comes.

By Jane Lim | November 18, 2024

Black Hats May Mean Black Hat Hackers Who May Have Corrupted The US Electoral System.

One hand of a magician or a wizard keeps you deceived and distracted while the other hand commits fraud.  The highest degree in the Church of Satan is wizard or magician.

Elon Musk was wearing a black cap at Trump rally, introducing himself as Dark MAGA.  His statement “I am Dark MAGA” implies that he was talking about his status or vocation since he used a word “am.”  As discussed previously, magicians are maga in Latin.  Magicians are wearing black suits and wizards are wearing black robes.  Both are wearing black hats.  Black hats symbolize the powers of wizards or witches as a path to channel and direct energy.

Dark could also imply something unlawful.  Criminals wore black hats in 1950s thus computer hackers are called black hat hackers.  Black hats also stand for villains.  The Knights Templar were villains.  Many countries exiled the Knights Templar.  Even after they changed their name to Jesuits, they were still exiled.  The Knights Templar have reportedly worshipped Baphomet in the Church of Satan where they are called Magicians Of The Temple.  Therefore, Dark MAGA means Dark Knights implying the Knights Templar.  

Musk’s profile photo shows his Halloween costume of Baphomet that he was wearing on October 13 which is the death day of Knights Templar, Magicians Of The Temple.  By stating “I am Dark MAGA,” he shortly answered a question whether he is a member of Knights Templar or not. Musk was hinting at the Knights Templar by adding the word, Dark before MAGA since Dark MAGA would remind you of The Dark Knights, the Batman movie (2008).  Previously, you learned how Batman’s manor and COVID-19 bats are linked to Rothschilds (Knights Templar).

Why Did Musk Endorse Trump?

The Knights Templar were Masons who are called Freemasons in the 21st century.   The Knights Templar are supposed to work in collaboration.  Therefore, Musk’s statement of "I am Dark MAGA" gives you a clue why Musk endorsed Trump.

As discussed previously, Trump is assumed to be a Freemason (Knights Templar) because he was educated by a Freemason, Norman Vincent Peale.  The Jewish Knights Templar are trained for warfare.  Thus, you can assume that Musk likely acknowledged that he is a member of Magicians Of The Temple, who  are trained for warfare.  Therefore, it makes sense that Musk and Trump were invited by Jeffery Epstein who is reportedly known as a former Israel intelligence official such as a Jewish Mossad agent.  You can assume that all of them are likely the Knights Templar.

Harris was not chosen by Musk not only because she did not mention military budget from which Musk's budget comes, but also because Musk likely knew in advance that Harris was not chosen by the Directors Of COVID-19 Pandemic & WW3.  Musk was likely instructed by the order to show cause of Trump’s victory.  To make detectives believe, a suspect would fabricate a probable cause to be exempted from investigation.  To make voters believe the electoral result, Musk and Trump needed a probable cause to win the election, which was likely the daily $1 million award.

No matter how many votes Harris has received, the black hat hackers have likely contributed to Trump’s victory.  In other words, your sons and husbands were destined to be drafted by the Directors Of COVID-19 Pandemic & WW3 whose plan was hinted by I, Pet Goat II, Dark MAGA and the tarot cards in The Economist.  Why do you think BTS was invited to the Grammys?  Was it not an advertisement to recruit soldiers for WW3?  BTS means Bullet Proofed Young Soldiers if you translate Bang Tan Sonyun (BTS) in English.

However, you must realize that your military budget should appear to be high in order to raise the bar against enemy states that are preparing wars.  Nevertheless, you must also realize who was motivated to ignite the conflict between China and the US using the word “Wuhan virus” during the COVID-19 pandemic after Fauci had reportedly sponsored Wuhan lab for COVID-19.  Is Trump motivated to begin WW3 in order to cancel the US debt against China who is the creditor as the second biggest US Treasury bondholder?  Masons (Knights Templar) likely created Proverbs 22:7, 3,000 years ago.   According to Proverbs 22:7, if you become a debtor, you become enslaved by the lender.  Knights Templar were executed on October 13 (Halloween day) because King Philip IV of France did not want to be enslaved by the Knights Templar.

See Dr. Edwin Deagle’s 2025 population forecast which was submitted to the US Secretary of Defense for which Dr. Deagle worked.  In the forecast, the population of the UK and the US appears to be respectively decreased by 70%.   Nuclear weapons can wipe out 60% of population in 72 minutes according to a nuclear war expert, Annie Jacobsen.  Trump said, “If we have them [nuclear weapons], why can’t we use them?” according to ITV News, UK (October 21, 2018).  A boy cannot ask his classmates to love or respect him after he hates them.  Presidents should not or cannot make their countries great again by warfare any longer in the 21st century.   

Why would the US and the UK wage war against Russia and China in WW3, while they were allies in WW2?
What do the Directors Of COVID-19 Pandemic & WW3 want to achieve through WW3?
Why was Trump chosen for those two chaotic events by the directors?
What can we do to stop WW3 and inflations?  Find the discussions in my book.