How Did Trump Kill
The Global Market
That Yields Profits For The US? 

By Jane Lim | January 18, 2025

Who Killed The Goose Laying Golden Eggs?

Image Of Dead Eggs (US dollars) And Golden Eggs(US dollars).

Without A Goose Laying Golden Eggs, The Golden Eggs Do Not Exist.  

Without global citizens and global markets, the US dollars cannot survive.  Without consumers, producers cannot survive.

Trumpism is the farmer’s stupidity that killed the goose that can continue to lay golden eggs.  The foolish farmer opened the live goose assuming that he could get the golden eggs earlier than the due date.

When Musk laid off Twitter employees, the unemployed deleted Twitter accounts and joined another social media.  The goose is the global market and the eggs are the US dollars.  If the US kills the global market, the demand for US dollars declines because the world will reject the US dollars as the fiat currency and will move to BRICS.   

Even if  the US raised the interest rates of Treasury bonds, the top 2  biggest customers (bondholders) such as Japan and China dumped the US Treasury bonds and China completely suspended the purchase as of January 10, 2025, which was very well forecasted in my book.

Who was able to make a man take off his jacket?  The Sun or the Wind?  Trumpism (MAGA) acts like the Wind.  Trumpism has forced the entire nations to flee from the US.  It started with the COVID-19 pandemic when Trump ordered the lockdown policy in 2020 for the benefits of vaccine producers, sellers, investors such as Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, and bankers.  As soon as Trump said that the US would aquire Greenland, Panama Canal, Canada and the Gulf of Mexico, the global market has completely shut down the welcoming door against the US.  

You can find a hidden director of two events if you realize the consistency between the two events.  One event is burning the US territory such as California and Hawaii to retaliate democratic states (blue).  Trump said, "It's better than the alternative of no water so California vote for Trump."  Palisade means a strong fense for defense.  Therefore, Palisades fire has a symbolic meaning.  It could mean that the US defense system has been impaired.   The other event is invading allies such as Canada, Mexico, Greenland and Panama.  Open p. 297, to realize that I predicted Trump’s plan to invade Mexico to attain the northern Mexico as the 51st State of the US.  Find out more in my book about what the directors would do in the end because a crown can not be shared by two entities such as Madam Q and Drako. 

Trump killed the goose because he did not understand how the goose produced golden eggs.  Trumpism resulted in the loss of US dollar market share as much as 35% as of July 15, 2024 (G7’s 30% vs. BRICS’ 35% Share of Global GDP, Source: Statista).

The algorithm to analyze how a goose produces golden eggs, is called economics.  The algorithm to locate the goose and to predict the number of golden eggs, is called marketing. The algorithm to calculate the number of golden eggs, is called accounting.  Trump’s failure is evidenced by the accounting number, BRICS’ 35% share of global GDP.

It has been always risky for exporters to exchange products and services with bank notes such as Letters of Credit (LC) or Cash on Delivery (COD) from importers if importing countries have increased their national debts or if importing countries have started wars that could result in a sovereign default.  Trumpism will destroy the US and foreign nations as seen in the case of Hitler of Germany.  Hitler thought that he could expand German territory if Germany could borrow military forces from Japan and Italy.  

The US has no more allies left after Trump announced his invasive military plan that matches with his military budget plan.  The US will have to fight alone in WW3 because the UK does not agree with the US in terms of ICC arrest warrant issued against Netanyahu and the US expansion.  France and Germany secretly want to join BRICS and want to leave NATO.

The US traded papers (checks) with physical products and services.  This risk was finally recognized and rejected by BRICS that attained 35% share of global GDP.

Would You Buy A Goose Laying Dead Eggs?

Who would buy a goose laying dead eggs?  Who would buy Treasury bonds from the biggest debtor in the world?  The global investors will not pour money into a jar that leaks.  They will not feed a sick goose that lays dead eggs either.  The broken jar or the sick goose is the US economic system that is based on Proverbs 22:7 through which the FRB shareholders enslave all nations.  Private bankers (lord) should not have been allowed to issue the national currency (national debt) because the national debts are private bankers’ assets that dangerously serve as the fiat currency worldwide.

Trump requested for removal of debt ceiling.  It means that Trump is buying more sick geese. It means that Trump requested for removal of the cap that limits the wealth of private bankers (FRB shareholders) who act as the governor of the US. Trump’s budget request is related to his ear injury as discussed in the previous article.

Instead of penalizing the directors of COVID-19 pandemic including himself who caused the death to the global market (the goose who lays golden eggs), Trump is attributing his fault to illegal immigrants in order to distract voters’ attention from the root cause such as the corrupt economic system which is operated by Ponzi scheme and Proverbs 22:7.  

Javier Milei is the president who successfully implemented my suggestion in my video and he was able to slash the inflation rate by 21.3% (4.2% in May 2024 from 25.5% in December 2023).  Find out more how to protect the goose that  lays golden eggs.

Greek God Of Wine, Dionysus Behind Cabal's Project 2025 And
Greek God Of Death, Hades In The Book Of Revelation (WW3)

Trump authorized the villains to fulfill their Agenda 21, and he authored Agenda 25 (Project 2025).  He was chosen to finish up his master’s plan to depopulate the global citizens except 144,000 Jews according to the Book of Revelation.  It is suicidal for the master to destroy the global market.  It is also suicidal for Trump to allow the master (the dark villain) to fulfill the Book of Revelation which is cabal's apocalyptic warfare manual.  Trump acts as the pied piper.

Trump was chosen by his master who wants to kill the goose that lays golden eggs for all civilians. In my book, find the reason why his master wants to fulfill the Book of Revelation which was authored by his ancestor, John the Elder whose casting involves Hades.  Hades is the Greek god of death and the brother of Zeus.   Why does Hades appear in the Book of Revelation 6:8?    Have you ever counted how many Greek gods appear in the Bible?  Find the discussions in my book.

It is time to wake up from the sedative Greek myth.  If you have my book, see p. 80 and all pages of Hades to keep yourself fully awake.  Religions often serve as alcohol that removes drinkers’ ability to think logically and keeps drinkers hallucinating and delusional.  Why do you think Pope Dionysus chose the name of the Greek god of wine, Dionysus as a papal name?  Find the answer in my book and watch "Who Are The Directors of COVID 19 Pandemic & WW3?  (Nov. 10, 2022)" in my YouTube Channel 2 to find Dionysus.