Munchausen Syndrome

By Jane Lim | Updated on November 30, 2022 | Posted on September 23, 2015

Wrongfully Convicted Because A Child Died Of An Infection

Wrongfully Convicted Because A Child Died Of An Infection

34 years ago, in 1981, in the Court of Appeals of the State of California, three justices Grodin, Racanelli, and Elkington opined for the case of Priscilla E. Phillips.  This is the case where the theory of Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy made a caring and intelligent mother, Priscilla, who adopted two children from South Korea, convicted of murder. 

Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy is not listed or discussed as a form of medical diagnosis or mental illness in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.  Priscilla's child, Tia likely died of an infectious disease.  The evidence of her innocence was ample but still the justices did not allow her to win against the government that made the terrible mistake.  The comments below reveal the fact that the qualified experts have never been called for this case.  

“Dr. Taniguchi found Tia to be in good health except for a diaper rash and an ear infection, and prescribed treatment for both.” “Dr. Al Baumann, an ear, nose and throat specialist, examined Tia, found evidence of a low-grade infection, and because of her previous ear infection recommended an operation called a myringotomy, which entails removal of fluid from the ear drums.”

Diaper rash and ear infection is common to babies, who are exposed to excessive amount of fungal spores or dust mites.  The ear infection is related to diaper rash and urinary track infection but this fact was ignored as well.

“Dr. William Leider, a pediatric neurologist from San Francisco Kaiser, was called in to evaluate Tia’s condition, and a variety of tests were performed, including blood sugar and blood calcium tests, a urine culture, a lumbar puncture, X-rays, and an intravenous pyleogram, but the tests revealed no abnormalities.”

“A urine specimen revealed a urinary tract infection for which Dr. Taniguchi prescribed first a sulfur-based antibiotic, which did not appear to help, and then a different antibiotic, which worked successfully. Tia’s ear infection recurred, however, and was twice treated in February.”  The response to a different antibiotic was a good sign of an infection.  

“Her diet was changed from regular baby formula to clear liquid, but she did not improve. Feeding by mouth was again discontinued, and the diarrhea stopped abruptly [122 Cal. App. 3d 75].” 

Tia’s immune system had likely responded to parasitic fungi in the milk and her response to the fungi had been diarrhea (histamine release).  Cancer patients are advised not to drink unpasteurized milk.  Tia should have been advised by her pediatrician not to drink unpasteurized milk.  The medical errors could have been prevented if Tia's healthcare providers had not ignored the high level of White Blood Cells (WBCs), LDL cholesterol, or histamine, and the symptoms of frequent urination and diarrhea. 

“Several months after Tia’s death, appellant and her husband adopted another Korean infant whom they named Mindy.”  “Dr. Taniguchi proceeded with a series of tests to determine a medical cause for Mindy’s symptoms.  Mindy continued to have diarrhea. Sodium levels were abnormally high.”  “Mindy had been vomiting and had diarrhea.” “It just seemed incredible that they could even possibly have the same type of problem ....”

A fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, which is responsible for chytridiomycosis disease, has caused massive frog death on a global scale.  These frogs died from a cardiac arrest.   A fungal infection can kill organisms silently, rapidly or slowly.  Dr. Anthony Fauci stated that, as an infectious disease doctor, he had no answer to the question why pathogens discriminately killed people during the COVID-19 pandemic.

It is impossible for Tia’s mother to fake her children’s urinary track infection or ear infection by using sodium.  Diarrhea can be caused by sodium, which is helpful to flush pathogens and treat constipation.  Tia’s family should have moved out of the home where Tia and Mindy had been infected.  Mindy likely suffered from the same symptoms.  Time to create antibodies is also different. Unfortunately, no healthcare providers mentioned this in the case of Tia and Mindy in 1981.

A British lawyer, Sally Clark was wrongfully convicted of murder of her children in 1999 due to the same accusation while her children needed an immediate medical attention from pathologists, microbiologists, biotoxin specialists, toxicologists, allergists, and immunologists.  

How do parasitic fungi make LDL cholesterol, which is linked to autoimmune diseases and mitochondrial diseases?   Why are the levels of acids, histamine, and LDL cholesterol pivotal signs to predict chronic or acute fungal infections?  Why do regular antibody tests not reveal infections?  How does the Sun emit alkaline and antifungal properties such as sodium?  How does sunlight destroy pathogens that always cause your body to be acidic (vomiting and nausea)?  Why do pathogens discriminately kill or injure people?  Why were you sick from a COVID-19 vaccine while your spouse was not?

The Silent War Within: Biochemistry & Legal Research on Parasitic Fungi by Jane Lim.